"Super" David White - Tazzy LEGEND!
Created by steven355 12 years ago
This coming wednesday (2nd May) See's the final match in the David White Memorial Tournament at 1st Bowl Nottingham.
As well as the final there will be fun bowling and a raffle on the night for all to enjoy.
The final match see's David White's former team Tazzy 2-2-8 up against The 5 PC's for the top spot.
The majority of "Tazzy" bowlers both past and present are likely to be there to cheer the team on in true tazzy fashion as the team try to "win it for Dave" and add yet another trophy to their overflowing cabinet.
So what made Tazzy 2-2-8 such a formidable team winning 3 successive league titles??!!
Well David used to prepare himself for matches visiting the local watering holes at least 2 hours before roll-off! The evening itself would continue in a similar manner, but, with other team members scores dwindling under the effects of alcohol, David's scores seemed to get better! Win or lose the team would stay behing long after others had gone home and would make an entire evening of it.
No matter what the team line up, David would always play anchorman preferring to take up the responsibility of bowling last should the tazzys be involved in a "rare close game!"
Bowling last would also give David the opportunity to "hang" one of his team for 20p and then to rattle the hanging pot on his way back from the lanes!!
In true "Yorkshire" fashion it would prove difficult however to get 20p back out of David as he would always seem to manage to save himself from his own hangings.
So on wednesday we will look to roll back the clock, have on or two (or maybe three) beers, enjoy a bit of bowling, and remember good times spent with you David.